This is the complete list of members for handDetect, including all inherited members.
average(FrameGen *m) | handDetect | |
col2origCol(int hsv[3], int bgr[3], cv::Mat src) | handDetect | private |
crop(FrameGen *m, InterHand *hg) | handDetect | |
findBiggestContour(std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point >> contours) | handDetect | private |
getAvgColor(FrameGen *m, My_ROI roi, int avg[3]) | handDetect | private |
getMedian(std::vector< int > val) | handDetect | private |
handDetect() | handDetect | |
init(FrameGen *m) | handDetect | |
initTrackbars() | handDetect | |
makeContours(FrameGen *m, InterHand *hg) | handDetect | |
normalizeColors(FrameGen *myImage) | handDetect | private |
printText(cv::Mat src, std::string text) | handDetect | private |
produceBinaries(FrameGen *m) | handDetect | |
waitForPalmCover(FrameGen *m) | handDetect |